Hosting rating in Ukraine of year 2025

  • Best hosting providers in Ukraine
  • Independent rating of hosting providers in Ukraine
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  • On the market:
    from 2017
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    Russian Federation
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    33 countries
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    from 2019
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    44 countries
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    from 2015
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    3 countries
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    from 2009
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    12 countries
  • On the market:
    from 2024
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    51 countries
  • On the market:
    from 2012
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    9 countries
  • On the market:
    from 2005
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    4 countries
  • On the market:
    from 2019
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    31 countries


Nowadays, the Internet, all sorts of sites and applications play an important role in a person's life, in his business activities. That is the reason why it is very important to choose the right hosting provider. In Ukraine there are quite a large number of companies that offer all kinds of hosting reliable services. The information provided describes the positive characteristics and advantages of the 10 best hosting providers in Ukraine. Each user will find a suitable option that will meet their individual needs for hosting. All of the presented hosting providers work consistently and maximize quality. The rating is based on in-depth analysis and numerous reviews on the web.

Friendhosting - the best website hosting in Ukraine

Friendhosting - one of the famous hosting providers. All its services are of the highest quality. The company uses advanced technologies. Hosting solutions are provided on the most modern equipment. The company offers all hosting products, in particular, domain registration, dedicated servers, virtual and VPS hosting.

Main features

By choosing one of the offered packages of this hosting provider, the user will be given the opportunity to install quite a large number of scripts. Thanks to a simple control panel, it will be possible to do this literally in one click. Among the additional features that the provider provides, you can highlight the following:

  • unlimited database;
  • FTP accounts;
  • optimal performance level;
  • high traffic;
  • maximum uptime;
  • 24/7 support service;
  • SSL certificates.

It is also worth noting that virtual servers are configured as easily and simply as possible. This process is carried out on SSD disks. Their work is performed in a safe mode. Modern technologies, which are engaged by the hosting provider, provide effective protection from viruses and malicious programs. All dedicated servers work on high-performance equipment. The optimal speed of servers is provided.

Each user who chooses a tariff plan receives an individual ip-address. For an additional fee there is an opportunity to choose more advanced functionality and services. It is also worth noting that, regardless of the chosen tariff, the user can be sure that the data of his Internet resource will be preserved. Such tasks are solved with the help of daily backups. In case of any problems, you can always contact the technical support service, which works around the clock.


4VPS is one of the well-known providers in Ukraine. Its distinctive service is that it offers fully automated services. Registration takes a minimum amount of time. On average, it takes 15 minutes, while numerous competitors take more than 30 minutes. Among the main services that the provider offers, you can highlight the standard ones related to domain registration, with all kinds of dedicated and virtual servers. It is also possible to use the VPS hosting service.

Main features

The popularity of this hosting provider is based on the fact that shared hosting plans include a large number of functionalities of a technical nature. Additionally with this, it is possible to note such, providing comfort and peace of mind of users, advantages as:

  • high traffic speed;
  • optimal performance level;
  • data protection;
  • daily backup;
  • 24/7 support;
  • built-in website builder;
  • unlimited number of databases;
  • hardware virtualization technology.

On all tariffs with exceptions, users get free SSL. The server stores its information on NVMe. As for databases, MySQL is used. An additional advantage is that on all tariff plans it is allowed to register an unlimited number of mailboxes. If you use the VPS hosting service, you can get full access to management. The panel is characterized by a simple and clear interface. Configuration on the basis of SSD-drives is provided. A rather extended range of networks is offered. The work is carried out on the most modern and technologically advanced AMD EPYC processors.

An important advantage that distinguishes this hosting provider among numerous analogs, is that each user has the opportunity to create their own Internet product with the help of a site builder and numerous templates. In this case, the process is as simple and clear as possible. If there are any questions, you can always contact technical support specialists via chat or e-mail. Qualified professionals will answer all questions and help to solve any problem.


Hosting.Energy differs from numerous similar providers in that it develops and offers its customers the most effective digital solutions designed for individuals, as well as for small and medium-sized businesses. Today, this company is one of the leading cloud providers working on IaaS technology.

Main features

Among the advantageous features that this provider offers are the following:

  • enterprise-grade cloud server;
  • VMware virtualization;
  • optimal speed range;
  • high bandwidth;
  • 24x7 support;
  • daily backups.

A distinctive feature of this hosting provider is that some time ago it launched a cloud server service. This is a kind of cloud plan that can be customized depending on your needs. It is ready to work in 2 minutes after connection. The company has all the necessary certificates and accreditations to provide CISCO cloud products to its customers. Cloud and dedicated server services are provided at a high level. There is also an option to opt for Colocation.

Pre-configured cloud servers are offered to the customers. In addition, there is an option to make customizations depending on user configurations. Dedicated servers are on the most advanced processors, running on modern operating systems. An important distinguishing characteristic of hosting is that all products can be upgraded, adjusting to your own needs, to pre-set goals and objectives.


3v-hosting is the best hosting provider in Ukraine, which has quite a lot of experience in this industry. The main activity is to provide domains and hosting services in a high-speed network. To date, the organization has accreditation as a domain registrar. The services are designed and fully optimized for online stores, for small and medium sized companies. The websites of the provider itself are available in several languages. The main services that are included in the offered tariff plans include SSL certificates, Shared Hosting, CDN, VPS Hosting, website builder, domain registration.

Main features

Among the advantageous features that set this hosting provider apart from its many counterparts is the fact that the plans include the following important features:

  • free domain name;
  • backup;
  • website builder;
  • unlimited databases;
  • any number of websites;
  • unlimited mail accounts;
  • high bandwidth.

Virtual dedicated and private servers run on all modern operating systems based on SSD drives. Customers of this hosting provider can take advantage of free 24/7 support, server monitoring and website migration services. All servers are scalable as easily as possible, making it possible for users to purchase any additional features for upgrades. NVMe storage is available and it is possible to upgrade the internet resource for an additional fee. This can be done through support at any time of the day or night.


PQ.Hosting is a well-known hosting provider in Ukraine, which for a long time offers the most modern digital solutions for individuals and companies. Today, among the main services of this provider we can highlight domain registration, dedicated servers, Shared Hosting, WordPress hosting, SSL certificates, VPS Hosting, Cloud Hosting.

Main features

Advantageous features of this provider are high technical capabilities, thanks to which the services are provided at the highest possible quality level. Among the most basic advantages we can highlight the following:

  • SSL certificate protection;
  • high bandwidth;
  • work on fast SSD disks;
  • regular updates;
  • daily backups.

An additional advantage is that there are simple and straightforward tools with which the user can create websites. It is possible to add some technical and functional specifications. The bulk of additional services are offered on a paid basis. In order to save money, you can choose an advanced plan with a dedicated ip-address.

All vps-servers without exception have full root access. The work is carried out on Intel Xeon processors with the use of the highest quality and time-tested RAID controllers. Due to this provides high-speed mode of operation of the server. Specialists of the company offer free installation of hard disks, unlimited traffic. You can install any software and update it if necessary, significantly expanding the functional technical capabilities of Internet resources.

Gcore is the best hosting company in Ukraine

Gcore is one of the best hosting providers. Its main goal is to help numerous companies and medium-sized businesses to establish their online presence and increase their popularity in every possible way. The company utilizes its own technical support, network equipment. Due to this, the highest quality and reliable services are provided. The data processing center is located in Ukraine and in some European countries. Thanks to this, round-the-clock monitoring of servers is offered, any attempts of DDoS attacks are prevented.

Main features

Additionally with this, it is possible to highlight a large number of advantages, on the basis of which many users choose among the competitors of this particular hosting provider. Here are the most basic of them:

  • competitive prices;
  • professional technical support;
  • high bandwidth;
  • a variety of VPS hosting options;
  • high-speed dedicated servers.

The data center provides a high level of bandwidth and guarantees a high-performance network. The company has at its disposal the necessary tools and technologies to provide Internet resources with competitive advantages, adaptability, constant availability and scalability. If you have any questions, you can contact the technical support service, which works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Assistance is provided by a team of professionals who are specially trained in a special program within the framework of customer service. The response to incoming requests comes within 10 minutes. Individual assistance can be provided, and there is always an opportunity to contact via chat on the official website, to get answers to all questions.


GEO.Hosting - the best hosting in Ukraine, which uses a highly redundant infrastructure. All kinds of cloud technologies are also actively used. For a long time the company specializes in such hosting solutions as dedicated servers, virtual and VPS hosting, as well as SSL certificates. All services are provided at competitive prices.

Main features

The main advantageous feature is flexible pricing when forming tariff plans. Regardless of which option the client chooses, he will receive the following benefits:

  • unlimited number of accounts;
  • plans work on SSD;
  • any number of domains;
  • high-speed connection;
  • daily backups;
  • free Anycast DNS;
  • one-click application installer.

Based on all these advantages, this hosting provider is extremely popular. Additionally with this, it is worth noting that by choosing dedicated servers, each user gets the most stable connection with high speed mode. Servers are easily scalable and flexible. You can customize the functionality of Internet resources in full accordance with your preferences. Data protection is ensured by daily backups. Information is stored on NVMe. VPS servers are based on Juniper Networks. For all questions, customers can contact the 24/7 support service, writing to e-mail or special chat.


Hostico is a company that is considered to be a leading hosting provider in the field of a wide range of all kinds of solutions. It offers professional hosting services that work with the help of the most modern technologies. Clients can choose from services related to domain registration, dedicated servers, and shared hosting. In addition, services are provided to SEO specialists, web developers, designers and programmers.

Main Features

Despite the fact that the hosting provider offers, standard for any similar company, services, there are several advantageous differences that give it the status of a proven and maximally reliable. Among such advantages we can highlight the following:

  • free domain;
  • disk space for e-mail;
  • unlimited number of accounts;
  • maximum file size;
  • unlimited transfer;
  • high level of security.

Users are offered the option of an extended level plan. It can be upgraded for an additional fee. It is also worth noting that dedicated servers run on the most modern processors, provides high bandwidth and optimal high-speed mode. You can make customizations through a convenient and clear control panel, create advanced web hosting, voice and streaming server. The VPS server provides full root access. An important advantage is that there is free site migration. You can solve this problem through the 24/7 support service. Protection of the information of the Internet resource is guaranteed due to the fact that daily backups are carried out. In addition, with the help of modern technologies, Internet resources are protected from all kinds of cyberattacks. Accordingly, you can not worry about the preservation of the resource and the information on it.


HOSTLIFE, today, is one of the leading providers. It offers all kinds of functional solutions not only for individuals, small and medium businesses, but also for corporations. Among the main services that can be obtained at competitive prices, it is worth highlighting domain registration, co-location, dedicated servers, VPS hosting. All services are provided in the highest possible quality. Providers use the most modern advanced equipment.

Main features

Competently designed tariff plans of this provider deserve special attention. Each of them includes standard features that are present in the hosting industry. Here we can highlight the following:

  • FPT accounts;
  • any number of mailboxes;
  • unlimited data traffic;
  • high throughput;
  • optimal performance;
  • protection against cyberattacks;
  • daily backups.

Choosing a tariff plan from all the options offered, the user gets SSH and disk space based on SSD drives. Additional benefits that are provided to each client and user include such features as creating hosting with a template in no more than a minute. Also offered is effective site protection, PHP support, the ability to use CMS application of all, popular today, configurations. Additionally with this, it is worth noting that VPS servers are configured for KVM virtualization. Clients are given the opportunity to install operating systems in automatic mode. Full root access is provided, data protection, backup is guaranteed, and regular HTTP/MySQL/ICMP monitoring is performed. Dedicated servers are installed within a day. With the help of high-tech equipment, they are regularly supplemented and updated. In addition, the user himself can contact technical support in order to purchase additional functions for his Internet resource.


HOSTiQ is, to date, one of the best hosting companies in Ukraine. Clients are offered all kinds of services in the field of hosting. A distinctive advantage is that the security of Internet resources is provided at a high level. To manage hosting is provided SSH access. There is an opportunity to conduct, if necessary, automatic backup, and you can connect an unlimited number of mailboxes and use the service of free site transfer.

Main features

The Internet provider is characterized by a large number of advantages that are provided by the hosting services provided. Among the most basic ones are the following:

  • round-the-clock technical support;
  • reliable operation of sites;
  • creation of Internet resources on the basis of SSD;
  • own control panel;
  • SSL certificates.

It is worth noting that a security certificate is provided to each client at no extra charge. It is included in all tariff plans. The automatic backup function deserves special attention. It ensures the safety of information. Free transfer is convenient for those users who decide to change the hosting provider. Unlimited number of mailboxes the client receives already on the initial tariff. Also at the disposal is transferred its own control panel in order to connect additional features and hosting services.

How to choose the right hosting provider?

Wanting to place your online resource on the Internet, you must necessarily choose the most reliable hoster. You can go the independent way, spend time testing different companies, using trial periods. But it is much easier to use the rating presented above. This is an ideal opportunity to save time and avoid possible problems. All the companies presented on the choice will ensure that the client will make his project available to visitors on the network, and it will be possible to launch your own site as quickly as possible, using the proposed services of the Internet resource builder.

In order to avoid all sorts of problems associated with the wrong choice of hosting provider, do not blindly believe the advertising. Even if the company is actively advertised, it does not say that it guarantees all the benefits necessary for the work of the site. You need to trust the reviews of real customers and ratings compiled by verified organizations.

To choose a hosting provider should be approached as thoughtfully and seriously. The services of the first company that came across can not be used. It is important to realize that quality hosting, it is a guarantee of stable operation of the Internet resource, the safety of the database and files. When choosing hosting can also be based on the cost of services provided.

Do not overpay, but it is also not recommended to choose cheap providers. In this case, the rule of the golden mean applies. To date, almost all serious companies offer a wide range of services at quite affordable prices. And each user can choose a tariff plan that will suit his personal needs. If the hosting provider provides a trial test period, it is recommended to use it. This is an ideal opportunity to independently assess the work of technical support, the speed of loading the site, the convenience of the interface. In the personal cabinet you can study all the additional features offered.

Frequently asked questions


The reason is that such cyberattacks can significantly slow down a website and in addition, some more advanced attacks can make a website unavailable to visitors for some time. As a rule, such attacks use multiple internet connections. This causes a lot of problems. For this reason, you should choose a provider that provides a high level of protection.

Yes, this service is available at many of the best hosting companies in Ukraine. A unique ip-address is allocated to one client. It can also be used for all domains in case several Internet resources are connected to the server.

In some situations, users of hosting providers may face such blocking. Such a function is carried out by the registrar. This is an ideal opportunity to prevent unauthorized domain transfer between registrars.

With this feature from the best web hosting in Ukraine, customers are given the opportunity to create their own servers with a registered domain name. Additionally with this, an individual ip address is provided. The service of providing private DNS is quite common. This includes a large number of functionalities that are performed by the provider itself, the rest of the settings are available to the user himself.