Web hosting Beget

(ООО «Бегет»)
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In today's time, where every minute counts, choosing Beget becomes paramount because we provide modern and convenient solutions for posting content online, making the process as simple and efficient as possible. Easy and fast project posting: We offer the unique ability to post a project online in minutes. Our clearly understandable dashboard makes even obscure and confusing parameters and technologies accessible and simple in a couple of clicks. Maximum integration of services makes it easy to prepare the infrastructure for any project, allowing you to focus on what's important. Technical Support: True technical support is one of Beget's main features. The company tries to solve problems within the actual tariff, without using bots or other automatizers, only human attitude from real people! Answers to questions in chat and on the phone are provided only by live specialists who are ready to help promptly. More than 85% of user inquiries are resolved in less than half an hour, and 9 out of 10 callers are answered within the first 10 seconds Free Site Migration: Beget understands that migrating a website can be a complicated procedure. However, we have simplified the process to a minimum by automating it. All you have to do is register, fill out a form with access to your site, wait a short time and voila, you can test your site on your new hosting! We will provide 30 days of hosting on any tariff without restrictions, so that you can see and feel the quality and reliability of the service. We Beget is not just a hosting provider, but the most important partner in the field of placing your projects on the Internet. Thanks to our ease of use, efficient technical support and free site migration, you can be sure that your time and your projects are in good hands.

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Reviews on hosting Beget

Helen White
22.11.2024 13:01
Hosting score
Понравился приемлемый тариф с памятью 2GB, а в технической поддержке специалисты отвечали мне на мои вопросы, особенно в начале у меня их было много. Четыре раза по телефону, а остальные ответы были получены в онлайн-чате. Понравилось доброжелательное отношение. Сайт на хостинге работает без замечаний, никаких неполадок. Мои проекты в норме, еще нравится, что хостингом легко пользоваться.

Plans Beget

Countries Plan OS CPU RAM Virtualization Disk Traffic Price
    <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Russian Federation"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/ru.svg" alt=""> </li>
1 3200 MHz 1 GB KVM 10 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 250 Mbit/s 210 ₽
1 3200 MHz 1 GB KVM 10 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 250 Mbit/s 210 ₽
    <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Kazakhstan"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/kz.svg" alt=""> </li> <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Latvia"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/lv.svg" alt=""> </li>
2 3200 MHz 2 GB KVM 30 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 150 Mbit/s 660 ₽
2 3200 MHz 2 GB KVM 30 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 150 Mbit/s 660 ₽
    <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Russian Federation"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/ru.svg" alt=""> </li>
2 3200 MHz 2 GB KVM 30 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 250 Mbit/s 660 ₽
2 3200 MHz 2 GB KVM 30 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 250 Mbit/s 660 ₽
    <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Kazakhstan"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/kz.svg" alt=""> </li> <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Latvia"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/lv.svg" alt=""> </li>
4 3200 MHz 6 GB KVM 80 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 150 Mbit/s 1650 ₽
4 3200 MHz 6 GB KVM 80 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 150 Mbit/s 1650 ₽
    <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Russian Federation"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/ru.svg" alt=""> </li>
4 3200 MHz 6 GB KVM 80 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 250 Mbit/s 1650 ₽
4 3200 MHz 6 GB KVM 80 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 250 Mbit/s 1650 ₽
    <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Russian Federation"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/ru.svg" alt=""> </li>
6 3200 MHz 12 GB KVM 150 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 250 Mbit/s 2700 ₽
6 3200 MHz 12 GB KVM 150 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 250 Mbit/s 2700 ₽
    <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Kazakhstan"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/kz.svg" alt=""> </li>
6 3200 MHz 12 GB KVM 150 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 150 Mbit/s 2700 ₽
6 3200 MHz 12 GB KVM 150 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 150 Mbit/s 2700 ₽
    <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Kazakhstan"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/kz.svg" alt=""> </li> <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Latvia"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/lv.svg" alt=""> </li>
8 3200 MHz 16 GB KVM 220 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 150 Mbit/s 5100 ₽
8 3200 MHz 16 GB KVM 220 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 150 Mbit/s 5100 ₽
    <li class="hint--top-right" data-hint="Russian Federation"> <img src="/img/icons/flags/ru.svg" alt=""> </li>
8 3200 MHz 16 GB KVM 220 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 250 Mbit/s 5100 ₽
8 3200 MHz 16 GB KVM 220 GB SSD NVMe ∞, 250 Mbit/s 5100 ₽